But are you GENUINELY Poor?

Transcript: https://t.co/d4wn12TMKX

Support my cartooning by retweeting, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2.

And here's a bunch more of my cartoons to read: https://t.co/qHPAVz3n0L

114 255

Dibuje a paula, es la hija de mario hugo y policarpo. ya me tengo muchas ideas a dibujar a ella y con su padres uvu (seguramente con sus abuelas)

3 10

CW: Transphobia

Terfluffle in the Supermarket
A collab with !

Transcript: https://t.co/cxrNSzKqRI

Help make more cartoons like this by retweeting! Or at https://t.co/An0fGdnfeC.

22 78

You're So Brave, I'd Rather Be Dead

Transcript: https://t.co/PHubUqVPag

Help me make more cartoons by retweeting! Or at https://t.co/An0fGdnfeC!

3135 8018

These Are The Words White People Hate!

Transcript: https://t.co/I04x186BFk

Support these cartoons with your retweets, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

64 153

Seems like a good day to re-post this old

"I Have Been Silenced!"

Transcript: https://t.co/SBzw5Y9cg8

Help me make more cartoons by retweeting, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2!

1811 5305

Happy 4th of July! Isn't it great to be in a country that's a leader in human rights?

Transcript: https://t.co/HY7qPR2VNU

23 38

Happy fourth of July, in America, where things just keep getting better!
transcript: https://t.co/PFolnJb16V

A $1 or $2 pledge really helps there be more of these cartoons! https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2

4 25

Happy fourth of July!

History Marches On; Nativism Marches In Place
Featuring founding father John Jay!
Transcript: https://t.co/WkEd4JzOB3

A $1 or $2 pledge really helps there be more of these cartoons! https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2

7 16

Happy fourth of July!
A Concise History of Black/White Relations in the USA
Transcript: https://t.co/I0QDrc5EJP

A $1 or $2 pledge really helps there be more of these cartoons! https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2

55 130

Fanstuff del día: Policarpo por irinadinocool en Instagram.

31 461

This is DECADES old, and I've seen a couple of people make this argument TODAY. Aaaargh.

1 12

Do We Blame The Chinese Or The Jews?

Transcript of cartoon: https://t.co/fh6rucyXgV

If you enjoy these cartoons, please support them by retweeting, or at https://t.co/An0fGd5DQ2. Thanks!

13 28