Take our hair to the land where beauty is not crime
Where freedom is an absolute right
Where women right is human right …

In the darkest moments of my country painted this piece with a heart full of pain

Please pray for


107 226

My cartoon in today's & and syndicated across Aotearoa

Whatever a woman chooses to wear, she has the right to decide for herself.

Iranian women are showing incredible courage in the face of brutality.

53 194

This 20 yr old scared the shit of Brutal Iranian Forces

13 16

A big thank you to the unknown soldiers who defend human rights in all parts of the world.

0 2


My 2 Beautiful FND NFT LIVE NOW ♥️

My deepest condolences and prayers for 🙏🏻#IranProtests2022

And i decided to support Iranian artist from my Nft sales too , hope everything will be good soon 🙏🏻♥️


0 0

Hommage à soutien aux iraniennes qui se battent contre la dictature islamique, pour la démocratie et la liberté en ! Leurs vies valent plus que nos profits, Demandons au Président de cesser le commerce avec les mollahs !

147 210

For all Iranian women ✨
We are stronger than ever...

105 162

Women ✊🏽Life ✊🏽Freedom

This is for mahsa! Say her name, don’t let her blood go to waste and let it carry this generation of people to freedom, let it break down the patriarchy. Say her name! Jina ✊🏽

98 218

"Unveiled" and Persian Song for Peace" in honor of Mahsa Amini and all the Iranian women who have died and suffered under the stringent, fanatical regime.

5 3

If you don't hear from us later, know that they disable our internet so that we can't send our voice to the. 🖤

105 130

The whole world talks about the bravery of Iranian women.

We are stronger than ever! 💪❤️

117 246


Let the wind
Caresses your hair

My heart is entangled
In its twists

22 73

The rf army will not be able to build a high quality reserve, - ISW

▪️The poor preparation of the draft infrastructure will prevent enemy troops from promptly correcting fundamental and systemic problems

▪️Mobilization in the rf has exacerbated social tensions:protests, attacks

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