Running out of comics during quarantine? Go check out over 200 pages of our story for FREE at

and I have been putting our blood, sweat, and tears into this thing for the last few years and I’m really excited about the world we’ve made ❤️

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not respecting quarantine?? that isnt very plus ultra of u

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How to leave the house when in quarantine?! 😂😂

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Hey guys! Are you bored in quarantine? Just looking for more community with Hetalia fans?

Join the Hetalia Discord Server! Check it out on our website here:

Or join directly via the link on my bio!

14 53

Anyone else working from home now?
How are you dealing with the quarantine?

Hope everyone is well and be safe. 💖

More comics on IG:

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What games are you playing during the coronavirus quarantine? 🤔❓ Had to go waaayy back in the archives for this of a Final Fantasy Tactics white mage, but it just felt right since I've been playing sooo many isometric strategy RPGs! 🎮

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you know what I miss eating the most during this quarantine...a good bowl of Pho.

(I know I can to-go order, but its just not the same, being able to sit in the restaurant vs your room, also I idk how to make pho 😭)

What do you all miss eating during this quarantine?

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✊🏿✨the Moses of her people✨✊🏿
How's everyone doing in quarantine? I want to try and get as many of the women's history drawings done but I'm also working on a big commission so I'm doing these drawings in between working on that 😅 anyhow, stay safe y'all!!

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I hope all of you are doing well ❤
This is my little drawing for n 's 👍🏻

Lots of orange, lots of ACNH.

How are you coping with quarantine? 🙌

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Family:: What are you doing during the quarantine? Me:

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Did anyone survive their first week in quarantine?

BF and I went a little bonkers last night. 🤣

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For those of you who don't know, I have a webcomic called Keepers of Light that I've been... neglecting for the last little while. But I want to start posting again and what better time than during a compulsory quarantine? I'll be posting here and on my Deviantart and Tumblr.

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"How are you getting through this quarantine?"

Me: "SideM and Vane."

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My children, how is your quarantine? I'm getting to practice and this beautiful Morrigan came out 🦇

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Me: Successfully avoided any social contact again today, rearranged my room for the third time this week, binged an unhealthy amount of bad shows on netflix and drew a lot of dumb things.

The Normies: virus quarantine life is hard right?

Me: there's a virus quarantine??

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It's Alice, yet again! All she does is pose with a bat on her right shoulder. Are y'all being responsible in quarantine?

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昨晚香港名人,有上facebook 的人應有看過吧。

Last night a video posted on facebook, a teenager wearing quarantine wristband having dinner in a restaurant.


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Stuck in quarantine? Why not occupy your newfound free time by spinning some vinyl?
The record shop where I work just opened a brand new online store over at

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Guess I'm not enough, like you used to think

How's everybody doing in quarantine? I'm getting moodier by the day blerghhh 🙃🙃🙃 Hope everyone is staying safe 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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