and we’re done~

CHAPTER 18 is up 🙆🏻‍♀️


Have fun reading~ 🐶❤️🐱

Don’t forget to check out the raws on Kuaikan:

49 202

This is such a loaded question I can see the smoking double barrels.

I like both. I like the glitchy surreal aspect of some raws.

But I also like to take some raws to the next level with post-editing.


1 14

hmt raws spoiler
gio asked felix if he remembers about the boy he wanted to marry when he was younger and felix said that he couldnt cz it has been a very long time. gio then said to himself “its expected that he couldn’t remember, but its alright. because i do.”

52 410

// 디파인 더 릴레이션십 raws spoiler

Poor my baby 😭😭😭 karlyle is in a rut and he keep calling ash name 🥹🥹🥹

104 947

seeing double raws spoiler
they went on a picnic date! seowoo drove them there, and he even made some super cute foods for them to eat. he got some cuts on his fingers too. babie mustve worked very hard to prepare it 🥺😆 (the sausages are so cute 🥹)

14 98

Love so pure raws spoiler //

Yosef asking abt the dildo

Daeshik : it's for my image training
Yosef : my image (basically his dick) *blushing* it's right lmao basically yosef agree he is big 🫣🫣🫣
Daeshik : so cute... hyungnim, so cute 🥰🥰🥰

49 369

hmt raws spoiler
gio finally remembered felix as the kid he met at the playground when they were younger. he then said “you have been protecting me since then. this time, i will be the one protecting you”

shits about to go down next week. grandma’s gonna get crushed.

67 382

Love so pure raws spoiler //

Yosef : your expression look like you are upset, is it because of me? I'm sorry...

Daeshik : You make me worried 😭😭😭

93 901

PLEASE why is he so dramatic? 😭😂

ENG SUB for Chapter 15 is up~



Link to the raws:

37 89

hmt raws spoiler
gio was srsly considering to leave bc he doesnt want felix to hurt anymore but by the end of the chapter, he thought to himself “but how am i supposed to leave you first doon-ah? because even at this very moment, you are my everything”

24 210

hmt raws spoiler
“to me, you were a savior. but to you, was it a curse?”


32 254

banana scandal raws spoilers
taehwan woke up alone in bed and quickly rushed out (naked might i add) to look for yeonwu who went to drink some water. so taehwan picked him up over his shoulder and brought him back to bed for some cuddles 🥰

82 490

dear door raws spoilers
crying sobbing screaming kicking throwing up

38 408

seeing double raws update
ohn said “i can now see it more clearly, where my heart is headed to”. he ended up texting that person ‘his heart is more leaned towards to’ and went to look for him since he got no reply. that person turns out to be seowoo!!

5 44

I've looked at the raws and I think this will be a fun one to read when translated

0 13

banana scandal raws spoilers
they both kinda went crazy in bed and later when they're cuddling bith got embarrassed kdhdksla

108 935

Until Lezhin Korea adds Visa/Mastercard to its international credit card options, I will reallyyyy miss reading ‘Experience XX Scene” (a.k.a Turn Off The Camera 😂) raws. 😭 Will patiently ride out the hiatus and wait for my horndogs and the Eng version to return

0 11

Crown Prince has found his true love. Now watch the Queen try to take his happiness away from him. 😭

0 23

Court Lady Eunwoo is his only source of comfort. 🥺

0 37

I don’t mind this kind of workout with the Crown Prince. 💦 💦 💦 Please tire me out…

0 26