keep on this retweeting thing, "Vulcan veins", relouded 4sale

21 35

Keeping with this... ok... "Boulevar brain storm" relouded 4sale.

14 28

I belive in hope, like a force to keep u alive.. "Hope souls in bloody times", relouded 4sale

12 19

Ok!!!, a little late.. keep on this retweeting thing... "The joker" relouded 4sale!!!

11 13

Ok!!, Karma is not just about U, is about every action affects the universe, think!!!, stop fooling arround.. "Torture scars" relouded 4sale

17 26

Somethng old.. retweeting.. "God's writing", relouded 4sale

14 24

Retweeting thing.. "Mind waves", relouded 4sale

22 34

I still cant read my messages!!, whats up, bru!!, ok, retweeting things.. "Red cross", relouded 4sale!!

6 10

Keep on this retweeting thing.. "Afternoon in a galaxy jungle", relouded 4sale

17 25

Keep on this retweeting thing, from some time ago... "The eye of the storm", relouded 4sale

9 16

Ldies and gentlemen, dont cheat yr loves..."Kisses and lies" relouded 4sale

10 23

Two fast tweets today... This 4 the lost souls, so they can find they lord.. "Lord of lost souls" relouded 4sale

14 19

Retweeting... 4 the nights wish u very good dreams.. "Softly dreams" relouded 4sale

11 25

Keep on going with this retweeting thing.. "Red midnight", relouded, 4sale

8 15

Keep on retweeting some works... "Ants world".. relouded 4sale

8 10

I like this painting, dont know why.. same surfice, different patterns?, "Alice in wonderland", relouded 4sale

18 24

35. On va changer un peu d'illu, parce que ça doit devenir relou pour vous de tjrs voir la même chose.
On passe à de la Banshee!

2 29

I dont know what to say these days.. from some time ago "Stupidity war", relouded, 4sale

7 13

This is 4 wellcome back, and thanks 4 yr words, "Warming to blackness", relouded 4sale.

17 20

Ok, old stuff, from an year ago.. "The machinerie of love", relouded 4sale

7 15