// heavy blood , violence
sadly gave up on this comic a long time ago and finished only 2 panels out of 5 so you can have it now
(lyrics from father by the front bottoms)

17 101

Wowa boo posted 2 days in a row!! I’m trying to post this entire week as a thank you for reaching 200 followers!! :] also because I don’t have school

12 75

My unfinished symphony
No I literally didn’t finish the drawing, I got lazy.

0 9

Double Dead Trio (Thank Arrow for the name!) plus an uninvited guest

I’ll compile them into one big wallpaper next! Thank you so much everybody!!

3 42


someone mentioned c!wilbur in a corset and i had to draw her
[ rts appreciated ]

24 79

Welcome to my "if revivebur has brown hair with white streaks then ghostbur has white hair with brown streaks" propaganda

20 196

argbur, cc!wilbur, revivebur, c!quackity, AND cc!quackity doodles hehe look at all of them

10 105

ahah posted this on instagram but forgot to post on twt

1 8

“It’s only one piece of TNT”

I need to work on how to make better backgrounds 👁👁”

2 19

I've been wanting to try animating like this for a while! I finally sat down and did it :D
i learned adobe after effects to make this
tags [#wilbursootfanart ]

4 22