I am sure this will change in the near future but for now it's this:

- TetrHaCKitty by on


- I won't let go by x

- Deception, Unshrouded card on (Genesis+Legendary+Gold) https://t.co/01r8swx0zi

2 32

I could've spend another couple of days agonizing over every detail but I think it is good as it is. I present to you my art to 's fic Sugar and Gold. I enjoyed it ~immensely~ and Te created such a rich and unique world! Thank you for an amazing read! <3

20 43

You just want attention, you don't want my heart🎵Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new🎶Yeah, you just want attention, I knew from the start🎵You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you 🎶

168 442

ещё раз с днём фем💛#rhack

12 88

уроки пикапа от профессионала

36 117

In lieu of today's rhacktober sketch, here's some colour.
Will try to be back soon. ♥️

4 21

! blood, slight nsfw

and they were both vampires

95 199

400+ follower giveaway reward for !! he asked for fluffy rhack, so I hope this delivers 😌

35 75

May i interest you in some
You can find more from this AU in the nsfw edition rhack zine!

41 126

Pirate!AU where Rhys is governor's son and Jack is a long-missing officer of the Royal Navy

"The dearest memory"

46 140

fights between Jack and Rhys always end in something hot. literally.


18 62

Finally I'm getting around to posting a tiny preview snippet of my piece for the . This is probably hands down one of my favorite pieces I've ever done, I can't wait for pre-orders to open!

12 39

Dragon/prince is my favorite au dynamic sorry

65 154