Digital art hri nie , sy cukup letih dan nk 😴 sbb busy keje

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Ni haa oneof the art of daddy leech and their mom that i found sorry screenshot je sbb tkmau qrt dia punya tweet hahaha

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Aku punye prinsip kalau kau betul minat art and nak jadi artist yang berkualiti, cuba widened your range of art style. Sbb dalam masa yang sama ko boleh adapt art style or art direction yang client nak. So client mintak macam mane pun ko boleh deliver. Just sharing my thought.

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hi guys, so page tu dah upload lukisan aku. Aku hargai sangat sangat kalau korang boleh like lukisan aku kat page ni sbb competition ni nilai artpiece paling banyak likes untuk tentukan pemenang. 👉👈

Link disini :

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Kali ni aku cheat sbb aku gune artwork lama hahaha. Tapi sbb nak support dtiys ni

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Terima Kasih customer yg order sekali banyak2 ni. Tqq sbb trust service🥰💜
Background boleh je nak request simple mcm ni okay👍 mur2 terukkk, n high quality doodles!

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Dua design ni huhuhu sbb moq dia 10 pin so kalau beli hg kena amik pair hahaha

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Hi teman-teman, in order to support my self during this strange time, aku join toko virtual dari dimana kalian bisa mendapatkan merchandise dengan desain manis dari Toconica. 🙌❤️🌟🌸Sila cari keyword : Toconica pada link sbb :

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✨ Welcome to Blood in the Snow, a Vast Error roleplay Discord Server! ✨

A place to roleplay and talk about VE & SBB. Enjoy this temporary server invite! (Invite will run out in ONE DAY. More invites will be posted eventually!)

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I know i already passed the deadline 😂
But this girl gotta finish what she started.
So here you go. dtiys
As u can see there's a changes in my style again hshxdhv. This one pun xde timelapse vdeo sbb the video can't be played 😭 turns all black eyyy

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Okay, Hari ni baru rasa semangat nak buat illust dan try guna style lain😂
TBH, aku rasa kelakar weh tgk art sendiri sbb buruk sangat 😂😂😂(PENDAPAT AKU)

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This took too long because exam happened.
A redraw of Howl's Moving Castle ending in my style, sort of.
ni yg sy ada mention nk lukis hari tu, baru hari ni siap sbb busy sgt sebelum ni 😂

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Okay setelah mendapat kebenaran dari utk join jadi aku ade buat rough draft utk painting kali ni, btw thanks jugak sbb aku tengah artblock so aku ade bende sikit nak buat dari tak melukis langsung lol

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Second last commission dah siap. Tggal satu lagi.

Yg ni crop sbb..nnt tgok lah yg full version kat Instagram. Segan😅

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Kat universiti ni normal la kalau nampak ada student yg makan sorang sorang, jalan sorang sorang pergi library belajar sorang sorang. bukan sbb dia takde kawan tapi sbb dia nak cepat tak payah tunggu org tak payah nak jaga hati org lain. senang bawak diri pun takde sape control.

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Floral pattern with calligraphy ✍. 1 jam.Struggle juga mula2 sbb xbiasa lukis simplified subject. Reference drpd .

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And aku nak artwork aku ni boleh cover menyeluruh, bukan just focus lukis muke je, sbb nnti takut aku tak boleh improve bende lain, so aku buat character which have full body. Buat artwork ni jangan lama sangat kat comfort zone, background tu buat jangan malas 😂

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Tahun 2017 kakak aku hadiahkan aku ipad pro 12.9 inch sbb die tahu aku suke melukis and aku takdak laptop huhu. Nak menangis aku masa tu, then aku terus beli procreate and terus lukis excited gile. Aku beralih semula ke digital painting which aku start belajar tahun 2011 dulu.

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drew these centuries ago when we were just starting sbb. finally they're free

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