
Model : アキロゼ (Aki Rosenthal)
冬服model : park_memo (透過pngレイヤー合成)
Stage : SorairoCity - SkyBlue
Accessory : フイルムカメラ - yuyu
Resolution : 4096 x 3072 pix

© 2021 cover corp.

*Scheduled Tweet at 18.12.21 4:00

18 43

“Survival mode is supposed to be a phase that helps save your life. It is not meant to be how you live.” ~Michele Rosenthal

Are you highly emotionally reactive? You may be stuck in survival mode: https://t.co/NJsTFNzPSP

40 260

New Live Schedule🆕


2021/12/06 23:00🇯🇵
2021/12/06 14:00🇬🇧
2021/12/06 09:00🇺🇸🗽

【Cooking live/カメラ配信】最終日はモツ煮×しじみで優勝する!【Aki Rosenthal/ホロライブ】


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“Survival mode is supposed to be a phase that helps save your life. It is not meant to be how you live.” ~Michele Rosenthal

Are you highly emotionally reactive? You may be stuck in survival mode: https://t.co/NJsTFNzPSP

54 278

(透過PNG3枚 表情、料理手持ち差分)

Model : アキロゼ (Aki Rosenthal)
Accessory : フライパン、筑前煮 - キャベツ鉢
Resolution : 900 x 675 pix

© 2021 cover corp.

*Scheduled Tweet at 25.11.21 2:50*

30 303

Manga : Road to Senthar
Personnage : Keyslan Swadlar
Reve : Qu'on le laisse tranquille
Aime : Cuisiner et creer de nouvelles techniques
Aime pas : Globalement le reste https://t.co/6cU8sjUGUF

3 11

Hello I'm InsomniaEnder!! >:]]]
If you decide to follow me y'all probably mostly see random stuff more then art🥲

Also if by chance y'all see this follow @.Vph1R and @.SenThird 😳

3 8

Translation Thread for the VARK show in English by me and with the help of Meghanet and Tokiyo-san for provide full information. thank you so much!

VARK & Hololive Production



7 23

I forgor to post this...... sorry...... it was an artswap for @/baby__tr33 on insta organized by @/karstightsenthusiast and uhhh look at fem rohan

4 12

CAPTAIN AMERICA Since Captain America has not yet been able to catch up to the man who’s been impersonating him, he asks for help from someone who can get there *faster*: Quicksilver. When Diamondback and Bernie Rosenthal are captured, is it a bridge too far?!?

2 22

Give me an A!
Give me a K!
Give me an I!
Aki! Aki Rosenthal !!!

59 150

It seems that today is Good Oshi/Favorite Day! For me, there's no better oshi for me to celebrate than Hololive 1st generation's own Aki Rosenthal. Words can't even describe how much I love her, and finding her is honestly the best thing to ever happen in my life.

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