hi silm fandom wanna hear my cancellable take: the feanorian kids can grow enough facial hair to need shaving

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I want for Sindril to grow a beard again during this campaign, but avoid covering the face tattoos she got when shaving for the first time, so I guess its just going to be a goatee with a single thick braid as soon as it grows long enough

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(1/3) New commission set, this time by and portraying Helen shaving Rebecca as you can read on "A BARD, A WEDDING AND A CONSPIRACY".

4 24

Celebrating with a little gradual doggo tf! Dude's been spending all week doing his best to keep these random new changes at bay.
I think shaving and masks might not cut it for too much longer..

85 409

If at any point this bastard has a hairstyle change, it’s because I’ve stared at the clippers in the drawer for too long during that day.

every day I stray closer to shaving my whole fucking head.

Thx for takin the fall for me, buddy

3 15

bonus image of me shaving my WoL for inspiration

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for !!! prompt was "caitlyn accidentally shaving vi's head" so i made tiny teeny comic ;; hope you like it !

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Thank you .cat (Instagram) for the shaving artwork. I love it so much

4 61

Two variations of the print “Departure” from the SoC’s 1925 Sinbad portfolio. (For a reason unknown to me, WAD titled one of these “Allegro.”) Standard pochoir technique with gouache applied through celluloid stencils with fine artist brushes & sawed-off shaving brushes.

1 8

Repost - @-ed the wrong person 😬

I love the concept of Hades shaving his head in grief after being separated from Persephone. I’m ready for the angst and reveeenge next season!🔥

is by

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Self Portrait in a Shaving Mirror, 1935

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GT Dripgeta after shaving his mustache could have won. His best fit right here.

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im this 👌 close to shaving it off and going back to a side fringe lmao

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Two female barbers, one shaving a man seated in a chair, the other combing his wig

Cornelis Danckerts II, c. 1680-1717

(British Museum)

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Old woman shaving a man,
Paul van Somer II, published in London, 1694

(British Museum)

3 11

turns out you can't improve perfection
only ended up shaving more part of her hair and added a few more tattoos

1 5

Umm I have an embarrassing question... Am I supposed to be in pain when shaving? I know beauty is pain but this is too much pain. Are their specific shavers for coarse hair cause I think the one I used is designed with straight hair in mind.

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Hey everyone, it happens to be birthday today! Make sure you fill his boots with coleslaw and leave out a big pile of shaving cream! Or is that Yak shaving day. I get the two confused.

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