MORE SSKK KITTIES!! It's bungo stray cats now bcs I said so

Likes and RT's are appreciated!! 💖

29 96

You are enough for me.

quick doodle of angst bcs yes
Likes and RT's are appreciated!! 💖

32 102

Чуть не забыла (забыла) подвести итоги марта
Рисовала не так много как в феврале, но любимые работы у меня все же появились

14 96

⚠️SUGGESTIVE (?) SSKK: hickeys/marks/back scratches⚠️ not going to put this one on privatter, so scroll past if this isn't the content you like.

Here's a non-shitpost content 🤲
Likes and RT's are appreciated!! 💖

26 101

POV you're Atsushi tricking Akutagawa into thinking he needs to do this pose bcs Dazai needed it for something important.
I am not sorry for this and never will 🥴

Likes and Rt's are appreciated

28 83