thank you so much for this thread! I'm Sluggy and here is some of my art and products that i make for my shop!

my etsy:
my insta:

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Good morning everysluggy! I had a time yesterday dealing with a Ceadeus in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. I really like the design with it's goofy dunkleosteus face but the fight itself was kind of a pain and took a few tries from timer scam. I hope you all have lots of time today!✨

0 11

Good morning everysluggy! I had the unfortunate chance meeting with a Gigginox last night in MH3U. I had heard the stories but yeah this thing is way worse than Khezu in every conceivable way 0/10 I'm glad you didn't come back.😱

0 8

Good morning everysluggy! I was up way too late last night it seems. Remember to fight for what you believe in, but take care of yourself and don't lose your way in the process!✨

0 10

Good morning everysluggy! I went back to play Monter Hunter 3 Ultimate for giggles since it was on sale recently and boy people who think Rise Hub is bad got super spoiled by World. 10-15 min Hub hunts would be a luxury in 3U. I hope you come by the Rise stream later!✨

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Good morning everysluggy! I have no idea what possessed me to try to get new models. A stick army? World domination? Not really my style. I'm sure I can find a use for all those sticks at some point. I wish you all a wonderful Friday and hope you enjoy the weekend!💫

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I had a teeeeny bit of free time at work, so have a sluggy something. I'd have probably taken it further but the free time is gone 😑

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“Sluggy Slugs”. Uploaded to deviantart 10-14-2007. Dinamo & Jimmy Ripcord making friends at a snail’s pace. 🐌

0 3

Good morning everysluggy! I die thank you forever (Work related not April fools, thanks to @/AveryOwlyVtuber for gif)

0 9

Good morning everysluggy! Monster Hunter Rise has been defeated...for now? Unfinished really but between Q1 sales timing and most things being delayed I guess it was to be expected. New Elder dragons are dope. Sadly I must return to the office but it was a blast✨

0 6

Good morning everysluggy! I've managed to get to High Rank in Rise but a Zelda break later is probably for the best. Was up too late so it will be a bit of a sleepy Sunday though. I hope you didn't follow my example and got some comfy rest for a relaxing weekend!✨

0 5

Good morning everysluggy! I woke up early and while I love Monster Hunter, I love my organs not turning inside out more than that so back to bed I go! I have at least one other thing besides Rise later but it will have to wait just a bit. Dream some sweet dreams for the slugge.✨

0 3

Good morning everysluggy! *Hacker voice* "I'm in." (Sadly I was not able to get out of going to the office today as others had health reasons to be gone...but at least I was able to get out of Monday!✨)

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Good morning everysluggy! The Monster Hunter...hand it over!

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Good morning everysluggy! You have been visited by the Mini of good fortune. You will have great money and stonks, and a playful smile but only if you o b s e r v e himb.✨

3 27

Good morning everysluggy! I seem to have finally escaped my bed shaped prison. Think I slept for a good 10 hours there from a poorly timed food coma. Maybe it's just storing sleep for what I'll lose from Monster Hunter? How much sleep do you usually get? I'm way off my 6 hours.✨

0 3

Good morning everysluggy! It's an exciting new week, as while it won't be out until Thursday night, Monster Hunter Rise is coming.👀 I'm probably going to disappear into the void, or perhaps you'll see much more of me hmmm? I hope you all have a wonderful week either way!✨

0 5

Good morning everysluggy! I have slept well and had a bit of a lazy Sunday morning but I am very much alive! I also discovered that a well over a decade old TV I had sitting in the closest actually works just fine as a second monitor yay! I hope you make fun discoveries today!✨

0 8

Good morning everysluggy! It is a beautiful Saturday morning and I'm feeling pretty good. It is home office inspection day though so I'm hoping the Monster Hunter stream doesn't end up getting delayed. Also holy crap the new hunting horn in the Rise demo feels fantastic!✨

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I'm Sluggy (she/they)!
I'm a Scotland-based self taught digital artist still developing and exploring their skillset. Likes:
⚔️dnd character art!
😍sessy ladies!
I'm currently working on my consistency and confidence to put myself out there a little more!

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