Starka was accepted into the Jedi Order.

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Hej dostałem od pana Rito ikonki do rozdania na EUW oraz EUNE (2 na serwer). Jeżeli chcecie uzyskać ikone Alistarka to wystarczy
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My dad was at a museum that had some Scandinavian comics on display and told me about Bamse, Världens starkaste björn (The World's Strongest Bear!) It's a ridiculously cute cartoon and comic series that is SUPER popular in Sweden. The main turtle character is HILARIOUS looking.

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May your Friday be less intense than this.
Still pretty hot but not "explosive fireball" hot.
Whatever, you do you. Just don't drink and drive. Or commit crime. Duh: SUPERHERO - it's my job to say that.

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Remember when Celsius developed ice punch? Yeah... we still don't know how it happened but it was cool... PUN INTENDED... anyway, I guess the moral of the story for bad guys is don't be dicks or you'll get an ice punch.

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You wouldn't like Kaiju when she's mad. So if you're in Alberta, Canada today, get out and vote. Celius, being from Edmonton, can't be in this post because he's obviously out voting so Kaiju volunteered to get the message out.

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Finished Spring Floral icon for my friend and fellow artist, Starkat the serval! Check her out on IG

This teal icon features Lily of the Valley, Morning Glory and English Ivy!

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Power: Duh, fire. Okay, okay, officially pyrokinesis. She's like Drew Barrymore in that old movie 'Firestarter'.
Fun fact: Also thinks her and Celisus' love affair is a secret, it isn't. She's got alopecia, her baldness is unrelated to her power.

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Power(s): Invulnerability and super strength. She's a Two, the rest of us are just Ones.
Fun fact: She's from Sapporo, Japan. She thinks she shoulda been made leader over Celsius... but if she was she'd have refused it. "It's complicated".

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Power: Officially, none. Secretly, though, Ace can transfer her body strength into somebody else through eye contact. It's a totally cool power but extra draining so she doesn't do it much.
Fun fact: Plays a KILLER game of Murderball.

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Power: Audiokinesis
Fun fact: Her mother and Starka like setting her up on superhero dating sites.

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Let's do a to Eagle's funeral. It's not morbid, silly... he's not really dead! What do you mean "what?"... haven't you been following? I totally already spilled that goss. Eagle lives, friends. Yep. Pay attention.

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Hey look, security cam footage of me posting to socials! It's like Post Inception... pic within a pic... anyway, I'm totally good at this... I'm not afraid to take pics of explosions (as you know). So, question time: what do you want to see next?

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Oh by the way, if you recently followed and got here through him, hi! Welcome, I'm Starka. I'm one of The Supers and I run all the social media. The others call me which I take as a compliment. Got any questions? Holler at me.

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Okay so after Truth - the CAPE paparazzi, remember? - was caught catching Kaiju and Celsius on TruthCam, guess who appeared? Yeah... you can just see him in Celisus' goggle reflection. ULTRAMAX. Of The Pantheon? Duh. But why is he there??? Dun dun dunnn...

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When you look at us, do you see yourself or someone you know? You should! We Supers are just people like you but with a talent we use to fight crime... no more, no less, really... I stand up for my friends just like you.

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Oh don't you worry, we haven't forgotten about the amazing portrait perks we offered! Congratulations to Caitlin and Charlotte for winning a gorgeous piece of art by starring me! *wink*

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Don't worry, we're not going anywhere. The Supers are here! Our campaign may be wrapped but our adventures never stop... and I'm your girl on the inside... always. What do you want to know? Who do you want to know more about?

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LAST HOUR... it's the last hour... Outback's singing 'The Final Countdown' once more... this has been so much fun! Support us in this last hour! Tell your friends... and family... and pets... and high fives all around!

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It's more nerve-wracking than waiting for the NYE ball to drop... thanks for staying with us this whole time... and for supporting us and talking up our campaign... you all rock!

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