Hope you all are having a great Here's some fusions between Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion. I dub them Cobakpu, Enterrak and Suirizion, the Beasts of Justice!

25 183

Wait… how would Walking Wake be the potential ancestor of Suicune when Johto lore suggests that Suicune was a reincarnated Vaporeon brought back to life by Ho-Oh?

13 86

How does this even exist?!
This is outright a dinosaur, not even close to a stem-mammal. This could not be Suicune's ancestor.

Can't deny it looks really cool regardless.

4 32

Paradox Suicine / Walking Wake 2am live reaction 💧🦖

0 2

I wasn’t hyped for the new dlc for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet because to be honest Arceus, and Scarlet/Violet killed my hope for Pokémon games but he was the highlight of the announcement


2 10

lil bunny and dino suicuneeee

0 40

So wait...
Wasnt Suicune created by Ho-Oh 200 years before Gold/Silver when the tower in Ecruteak city was burnt down and some mon were killed?

If so, how does this dude exist in the past?

Im not a Pokemon pro, dont kill me please. Just confused.

15 634

Dinosaur Suicune will forever live rent free in my brain.
Look at their little fluffy chicken feets!

0 1

This is a personal offense. I thought we were getting the one from the book at least which looked okay. This paradox is a massive downgrade. The original looks better, the one in the book looks better. They ruined the mystical magical beauty Suicune had.

6 42

They turned Suicune into a dinosaur! 😭

1 12

Suicune was my favorite of the three when I was a kid and now they made it a goddamn dinosaur??? It’s like they are begging me to draw it. It’s so cool!!

1072 18578

Raptor suicune

79 701

I will make a eusine/suicune joke at every opportunity

9 61

The paradox suicune design don't look that bad

Might buy the DLC

5 125

Claro, a mi me encantaron los paradojas pasado

Pero me pareció raro que no usaran las versiones que salen en los libros para Suicune y Virizion

Aunque capaz fue aproposito para hacer referencia a esas veces que hacen Sketches de dinosaurios para que al final sean incorrectos

0 1

Do you understand now why I kept calling them Suisune & Virizion. It’s an insane troll by gamefreak truly🤣.The artists saw them & couldn’t make out which of the beast/swords they were.Turns out it was suicune/virizion.They’re no longer fusions

75 732

and these are,, admittedly downgrades from what was promised but they'll grow on me. i still Like them, just don't love em yet. raptor suicune is actually kinda funny i just wish i didn't have my hopes up for a badass sabertooth tiger

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