Sir your tibbies look so heavy let me hold them pls

2 14

Sorry not sorry for tibbies on main! Here's Gronk love of my life and a pic of her with 's character! And the one and only picture of Yesdi

3 18

idk beach episode? (didnt even bother doing lineart but i shaded Echo's tibbies so you know what the fuck is up)

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1 5

Also Tibbie, Potato, and Vincent

0 1

rohoN my tibbiez r t00 b1g!!!11! rawr lol XD!111! poop

1 1

Everyone look at my pretty son in a poorly drawn corset (Twitter please don’t crop on his tibbies)

3 30

Decided to change up from drawing big tibbies and drew my feral goddess

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every time i end up drawing theo, he's just tibbies out.

3 12

Tibbie from Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

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- man tibbies (need I say more?)
- currrrrl
- tall bottom
- hella soft and shy
- and I actually somewhat designed him one anyway, so there’s that

1 4

And a random doodle from a suggestion that I got from IG!.. His tibbies are made out of metal I guess💦

0 5

During the drawing process, i forgot what the top looked like and ended up drawing it wrong, so yey anime tibbies :d

0 8

They're not hulkin' tibbies, but have my muu's tibbies anyway. ♥♥

1 26

Sun God Gyomei!!!!!!
Fat tibbies on ur timeline, he offers u a pretty rock :)

8 10

boobies. booblas, boobas, tiddie. tatas, tibbies, honkers, badobhahonkers, humongous bozongas

12 35