So I gotta tell the truth... Jellybeep has been...a furby the whole time.

And also a criminal. :'(

2 13


A freak lighting storm..
a lone soul washes ashore a
deserted Velronian beach.
No Answers only Questions
Questions... and an
overwhelming Need to
uncover his Truth...

6 7

Well, to tell you all the truth...I wasn't jaguar from the start. only a furred dragon.
I didn't mentioned that this was all a costume for fun.

8 29

So what.... is the truth.......

0 0

As an "Ultimate Kohai/Junior" I shall confess the truth...


I'm a 17 year old girl who discovered**** in the age of 8 and I regretted it!!! I know everyone is wondering about my age, sorry for not telling you...

0 8

Siran is too shocked to find out the truth... good thing Duke Leonel is there but wait... Isn't the duke too calm in this situation?!
Don't miss A Revelation (part 3) of

1 0

Often times, lies are easier to swallow than the truth...

Lore in the thread below vvv

4 8

"I seek to Learn and adopt all facets of Humanity! Some desire love! Others family! Only then did I realize the truth...The core of Humanity... is Conflict. They fight. Steal. Kill. This is Humanity In its purest form!"

3 7

I know the truth...

141 893

Tomoe: "For the umpteenth time, WHERE IS HE!?"

Zoom: ........

Looks like Tomoe is not convinced that Zoom is telling the truth.... An little folow-up picture of this animation and did with my Buizel and Honedge characters

3 10

"A tune of Beauty... And Sorrow...
A melody of Fantasy... And Reality...
A song of Truth... And Lies...
A forgotten memory only shown by playing this instrument...
I shall play it for as lomg as i can... Cause maybe it could tell me who... U really am."

2 7

Ranger Scout Kit is on target to discover a shocking truth...

...find out more in issue of 📯 by David Pepose (), , Matt Milla and Carlos M. Mangual (), at shops everywhere TOMORROW for 💥

2 12

they don't know the truth...

1 90

Hey , big fan, important question. Is Seven from Unsleeping City inspired in any way by Seven, the cute anime hacker boy from Mystic Messenger? The similar glasses and hair color has me hoping you’re secretly a phone app dating sim fan and I need to know the truth... 👀

0 4

“ Magenta Magnum Opus “
Acrylic / Spray Paint on Canvas
8 ft x 6 ft

“ Sitting in the midst of chaos, searching for peace , finding your magenta “

3 1

"They are modest to greed, generous to the truth..." etc. etc.

3 10