おうちの Ubuntu Linux を 10.04 から 18.04 にしました。
ここ数年 CentOS や Red Hat 使ってたので放置してました。

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Ce moment de joie monumental quand tu arrive enfin à faire tourner les jeux genre etc.. sur :D <3

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Mf yesterday when my old laptop stopped running win10, so I snapped and replaced it with ubuntu, tried to work on comms with krita, nvm it keeps crashing too, and when i fixed it to run smoothly, thunder storm arrives and power cuts off every 5 mins from cintiq

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New post (【Ubuntu】LANチップとUSBの相性) has been published on コンタレイ! - https://t.co/ZrIDkgDU6e

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LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packagesからclang++-6.0を入れた状態で普通に使える。

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Testando o Krita no lubuntu 17.10, parece que minha tablet está com seus dias contados...

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Well done https://t.co/ZqoemOUILw It's biggest single issue that's led to escalation in knife carrying

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「【Ubuntu】LANチップとUSBの相性」続くパソコンの不具合にイライラ 先日の https://t.co/o2NTSkrbk7... https://t.co/xF0iDvfhLH

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i installed ubuntu on windows (WSL), so i could have bash and install zsh. it looks like this now (i'm using https://t.co/mvxsVRnyxz too)

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mayavi2で表示。それっぽい。WSLのX windowがバグって色が出なったので表示はubuntu16.04でおこなった。

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🌙 Love to draw entangled long messy hair! A small new artwork with all my fav concepts. Used on & tablet.

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