With we have an AU for our OCs in Naruto and it's so perfect

Ulio is so emo he'd be an Uchiha.
The only Uchiha with curly hair
The embarassing uncle for Sarada

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another way of saying “your dad and i fuck when you’re asleep”

very smooth, mrs. uchiha.

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Sasuke Uchiha. I made this from somebody's fanart. I hate rain, but I like make arts with rain 😅

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Madara Uchiha. So strong and so frightening😅Do you like this character or not?

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Amanhã começa a saga tão esperada pelo fandom Sasusaku. Esperamos que todos sintam a sintonia e o amor dessa família. "A FAMÍLIA UCHIHA." ❤

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Un dessin qui date un peu de mon OC Naruto, Mayka Uchiha. J'en suis assez fière (même si avec le recule les proportions sont un peu dégeu)

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Quierro más de Rida Haikyuu y Yug Uchiha.

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My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a drea-

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Goodnight. I'll leave you'all with my favorite photo from Sasuke Uchiha.

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More Characters: and Ah, the rain is so lovely.

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