Хоч кіт і походить з рукавиці Пресвятої Богородиці, він усе-таки тварина нечиста, бо з’їв чорта.

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One more Patre0n reward is completed. This one is for
These lovely DnD characters belong to

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So, let's start with something easy.🤗 I made this drawing to remember how to draw in general, well, and to please one person!

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В мене сьогодні день народження, так що я буду дуже вдячна, якщо ви поширите мої роботи🌸

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У дерева з'явились листя! Залишилось найнудніше — нарізати то все і перейменувати усі кляті "Layer 727 copy 42"...

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some of my recent drawings that I managed to complete since the war started

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Трохи поетапного дерева. І тестуємо хештеги!

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I choose to live in the here and now!

We stand on the side of good🇺🇦
which means we must look to the future,
cling to the possibilities,
and build a new reality.
Fight for life and be grateful to those who help to preserve it!

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Week 1 - Ukrainian symbols
Trident with the word ВОЛЯ(freedom) in it and the flag that symbolizes blue sky and golden fields of wheat

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OMG😱 ! I drew a b/w sketch and now I can't do it in color. I try many times and it's not the same. Not enough drama. So it's the first time for me..

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Artist: Katie Watersell. Kyiv, Ukraine. The wreath headdress is a (#вінок). In myth, the stork (#чорногуз), or God’s Bird (Божа птиця), brings good luck, prosperity & is a helping protector.

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