//tw blood/gore
The marcovaldo’s invite in one of the Scouts - au by-

6 44

of course it was the marcovaldo brothers

178 1275

Isso me lembro um desenho que tinham me mandado a uns bons anos atrás do Aatrox Etvaldo eu quebrei muito quando vi, infelizmente não sei o nome do artista

12 188

“Santa Mozzarella” 🧀✨
Giulia Marcovaldo, my beloved.

¡Sigo con comisiones abiertas! Mándame MD si gustas adquirir una 🥰❤️

20 164


i gonna write some hcs about them below in the thread in russian, you can translate them if you want

31 124

My attempt at drawing a version of Valdo Marx, I kinda picture him as someone a lot like Bilbo Bagging, he likes to eat, to read, he likes to dress nicely, red is his favourite colour

0 3

Giulia Marcovaldo

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