🧵 here's a tread of arts 0lga[.]art from her instagram with attached stories. Read this attentively, world.

In February 28 2022, near Makariv village, a russian fighting vehicle fired a Daewoo Lanos from a 30-mm cannon.

207 352

A cropped version of yesterday’s offering.

7 25

Brian Adcock: Will war atrocities put off Putin's allies?... doubt it. – political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

16 47

Nothin’ like a nice soak after a long, hard day of war criming.

9 14

Mounting evidence suggests that Russia is committing atrocities in Ukraine. Our cartoonists respond: https://t.co/Dws8BHJsK8

Cartoons by , and Marco De Angelis

22 34

Con el 🇪🇸 muy focalizado hoy en hay que irse al 🇬🇧 para encontrar viñetas expresivas de la barbarie de

➕#humorgrafico reciente

0 2

Morten Morland: The Butcher of Bucha is on the move. – political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

32 67

There are not a sympathy, empathy or... human rights. There are only facts of nacizm that demonstrated by russian invasion forces. Only true violence that can demonstrade the "second army" in the world.

Probably, it's time to finish it?

0 0

Why don't all the Mother Russia lovers in the USA sign up to fight for Daddy Putin?

34 111