Hello! I'm Wolvie, and I'm currently a painting major! I really enjoy fantasy, and a lot of my art lately has been of dnd, dragon age, or overwatch.😊

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I'm a little late, but hello! I'm Wolvie! I'm still working on figuring out my style, but I mostly enjoy fantasy. I'm a student working on my painting degree right now, and I'm hoping to one day work on comics or on concept art.

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Commission [old] for Blast de Lizard, Thank you!
Sorry take for so long because pc problem >.< Hope you enjoy!

Also I'm still opening a Small Quick Cheap Commission:
https://t.co/3rk3TBlT0L (Slot: 5 Remaining)

Alt. Version:

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Finished Quick (emergency) Commission "Jasper Murray", Thank you!

Open Slot Remaining: 5

To check old commissions (currently continuing):
Info about this Small Commission:

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I'm currently opening a small commission for a reason. Since I have no proper PC, this one will help me a lot to find a replacement >.<

Icon Commission: $5
Bust Commission: $10

Samples & More Info can be found at:

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Quick drawing of a rare happy Wolvie.
He's probably making fun of Scott

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Gotta share my own oc here
Wolvie Ry🐺
(Ryne Archee)

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Wolvie. Sketch cover doodle.

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Ya’ll voted on it. Wolvie’s one true love is Nighcrawler!

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Self vs Sona thing! Im wolvie??? (2nd dog by dreamywishes)

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Always found the sentinels creepy but also kinda goofy as a kid; they’re wearing metal roll neck vests, right?! Anyway here’s a Wolvie.

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Day 8: "STAR"
Thought I'd draw my character Stra since her name means "star" in Wolvish.

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McNiven, McSniven..... SHALVEY’s yer Wolvie artist *now* baby! (Or, for 3 issues anyway)

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Finished Wolvie last night. This era costume is still one of my favorites.

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Four more Wolvies! Name all the Wolvies and win an eye patch.

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