❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Another birthday is upon us and it involves someone as blue as a majestic dolphin. The Kanan UR is amazing and elegant in every way. Stay gorgeous, Kanan! Happy Monday, folks!

(P.S. That's a nice Kotori SSR! Cute birb!)

3 15

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I've also taken a liking to these amazing SRs, too! Mari and Nico look great, but Emma with her hair down is literally the best thing I've seen all weekend. Overall, amazing stuff with this set of cards! Happy Sunday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Yes, I have to give my praise to the other two URs we got as well. They both look equally good. Both Kanata and Yohane look amazing in those idolized costumes and the illustrations are very colorful. Happy Saturday, folks!

3 18

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Wonderful folks, please direct your attention to this incredibly great UR of an incredibly great tomato named Maki. Observe the majesty of this idolized outfit and colorful illustration. Just perfect! Happy Thursday, folks!

3 24

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

New story stills for SIFAS! Our Aqours 2nd-years look fantastic, but I'm personally digging the Yohane illustration. It's just so detailed and colorful. Overall, some nice stuff we're seeing here! Happy Wednesday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

It's always great to some new URs in the SIF department. Kanata looks cute with that pillow in her hand, but that birthday UR of Emma is amazing to every extent. Stay beautiful, my Evergreen Princess! Happy Monday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

These new URs were well worth the wait! Kanan looks phenomenal, but Mia's first FES UR swept me off my feet by a lot. That idolized outfit is absolutely amazing in high quality. Overall, great stuff! Happy Saturday, folks!

3 23

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Another "N" card girl to wake up to! Coco Miyashita look amazing in this outfit and the UR illustration looks colorful all around. It's always great to receive URs of idols outside of the main schools. Happy Tuesday, folks!

3 15

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Don't worry; I haven't forgotten about these SRs! Both Yumu and Chika look great, but Love Live does animals perfectly. Those cats are the cutest things I've ever seen. Overall, amazing round of cards! Happy Saturday, folks!

2 21

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

New SIFAS URs and they have tigers of all things! Karin and the birb look fantastic, but that idolized Maru illustration is a spectacular color blender of epicness. Overall, great stuff here, zura! Happy Wednesday, folks!

3 19

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Apparently Pana isn't the only person who has a birthday this month. Kasumi is also making waves with this blessed UR for her big day. Nice costume, nice illustration, what more could you want? So cute! Happy Monday, folks!

2 26

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Just saw the newest illustration for Liella's next big hit! Those costumes are quite nice and our majestic girls look amazing in them. I'm totally psyched about listening to this new bop in the future! Happy Sunday, folks!

3 17

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

YAY! We finally got some new SIFAS cards! Honestly, both Rina and Honky look equally good. I am excited about this SR set since it's been one I was anxious for. Overall, nice stuff with this round! Happy Thursday, folks!

2 19

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Pana's birthday is coming up soon and I'm looking forward to composing her birthday tweet. This UR is also amazing, too. The illustration is great and that outfit looks so majestic. Blessed stuff here! Happy Tuesday, folks!

4 21

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I'm pretty happy to wake up to some new Liella cards! Everyone looks colorful and great, but my best Liella girl in Kanon seems to get it right every time. Great costumes for a great set, too! Happy Monday, folks!

3 16

i don’t wanna be TOO mean but it’s so funny to me kit is already such a woobie in parts of the fandom cause i mean i get it this kid was literally born to be picked on but what are these people gonna say when he starts doing shit like this

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Today's tweet is brought you by this amazing SSR of Eli! This illustration hits hard, especially that legendary Maki hair twirl. Eli, please stay epic and cute for us, okay? An amazing card indeed! Happy Saturday, folks!

3 16

An old work from 2018, but we never posted it here!
Someone stole the precious jewels of the White Leopard Crown! Will the policemen succeed in stopping the thief? Or will the thief be too quick and smart?
Policemen characters by IVlirror, thief character by Woobie.

2 7

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Winter might be the coldest time of the year, but these u's URs really bring the fun into the season. Nico and Rin look terrific, but Honky is simply too perfect for me. Overall, great stuff over here! Happy Thursday, folks!

3 19