Double 657, 658 - Amundsen and Savage Foudre! A icey trident forged in the deep Arctic Ocean! And Legendary Saturday with Organization XII's No. XII, Laxrene!

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The 656 - Cursesaur! DigiMania continues the Greymon Line: SkullGreymon's broken sword!

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the 655 - Chronosplosion! A bomb that, when it detonate, removes anything caught in its path from the timeline!

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The 654 - Speeding Bullet Potion! A potion that allows you to tap into the speed force for a short period of time!

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The 653 - Eckhart Double Pistol! A double shot pistol that fires two massive rounds, before becoming an unreloadable blunt object! Why you ask? Well some one has to supply Reaper's guns!

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The 652 - Fengwang! Pokemon Special continues with the OTHER legendary Birds! This one is for Ho-Oh!

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The 651 - Graceful Dahlia! Legendary Saturday presents No. XI Marluxia of Organization XIII! This infamous scythe has the power!?

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The 650 - Tarror! An axe of terror for the gruesomely awesome ! Get it...Tar...Terror....I will go haunt away now.

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The 649 - Gigasaur! Digi Mania continues with the Sword modeled after MetalGreymon! Technology and fire fused together to slay viruses!

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The 648 - Aikido! Ryu from Street Fighter has been turned into a Nobody! (Ruxy? Yuxr?) And his weapon? Fortified gauntlets named after different styles of Martial Arts!

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The 647 - Octorang! I havent seen in Boomerangs in 's how about an Octorang! Sprays down ink while spin spin spining!

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The 646 - Heiho Masque! Need to sneak into Bowser or Wart's castle, but left behind your turtle shell at home? Shy Guy Masks are for you! Now if you happen to DIE with this mask on, you loose your face...

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The 645 - Aritikodin! Pokemon Special continues! Articuno, the last of the Legendary Bird Trio has arrived!

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The 644 - Fair Game of Fate! Legendary Saturday brings you the cards of RNG wielded by No. X Luxord of Organization XIII!

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Double Part 2 643 - Orodaimos! A massive club inspired by 's art! Check them out!

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The 641 - Archosaur! Spyro has now became a Nobody! His weapon? Different Horn Armor, named after different species of lizards.

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The 640 - Parapride! I know I am way late for Pride Month, but every month should be prideful, no? Well fly high in the skies with this pair of wings!

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The 637 - Melodius Arpeggio! Legendary Saturday presents the sitar wielded by No. IX Demyx of Organization XIII! DANCE WATER DANCE!

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Double 632, 633 - Focalorang and Zodiac! A boomerang from the world of Darksiders, a demonic entity that snatches souls and returns them to War! What happens when Pyramid Head becomes a Nobody? His massive Knives are named after serial murderers!

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