Clover Heart’s白兎編chapter3終わり 次で終わりかchapter3は短くか似たけど全体だと結構長く感じる

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Been m.i.a. because I decided to assemble three sets of books at the last minute lol but in other news I ❤️💙💛 the Captain Marvel movie!!! My heart’s not ready if her fam got dusted😭✨

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submission for legiontrashart’s on ig

her face paint and mask paint are inspired by kabuki masks

also I’m off my hiatus :D

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Thanks for the support thread, AJ! 😄 I’m Charlie, nice to meet you. 🤝 I like to make mostly fanart, try out new styles, and make art friends. Follow your passion, all the way to your heart’s content. Here are some of best works:

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Clover Heart’s ちまりEND終わり なんか凛が邪魔に感じた なんかホワルバやってる気分になってその後ホワルバ2になってでもやっぱりホワルバででも最後やっぱりホワルバ2だった 何を言ってるのかわからなくなってきた

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Clover Heart’s 白兎編chapter1終わり なんか大分長く感じた

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Aww, glad someone retweeted you, you’re art’s pretty cool! It’s not much, but here’s some of my recent stuff.

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I. a heart’s a heavy burden 💞

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My art’s gonna be filled with more glowing roses, holographic things, glows, iridescent, and glitters ✨
Here’s a commission for the sweet ! 💖

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no one:

mario kart’s baby park:

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Clover Heart’s 夷月編chapter4BADENDというかDEADEND終わり

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Clover Heart’s 夷月編chapter3終わり 莉織といちゃついて愛を深める平和な日常だった

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Decided today to do a and found mmmina_art’s ( I had too much fun with her hair~

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I’m always hours late to catch up on weekly chat, but it’s still a treat. Writing and illustrating can be lonely, and finding a creative community makes it less echoey. This month they threw down a challenge. Here are a few of mine.

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エロゲー Clover Heart’s append disc TOYつめちゃいましたっ

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Clover Heart’s 夷月編chapter2終わり 円華も弟と仲直りできて個別ルートでのEDの願いが叶ってたね 恋は成就しなかったけどそれはしょうがない きりがいいからここでやめて寝よう

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Clover Heart’s 円華√終わり 静かに落ち着いて心穏やかにテンポよくできるシナリオだった かなり良ゲー クリアするとタイトルのピースに色がついていくんだね

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Let’s spread some cheer 😊 Lost Art’s collaboration with David Byrne of The Talking Heads celebrates "shining light on positive happenings around the world” >

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A heart’s a heavy burden.

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