7. First anime: other than pokemon/digimon, my earliest memory is Inuyasha 💕 (does that explain a lot? 😂)

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Joe (Jo) Kido. Bearer of the crest of Reliability (Honesty). His partner is Gomamon. By the year 2027, Joe has become the first Doctor for Digimon, and taking along with the job, all the complications that occur because of it.

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Tyrannomon is the best Digimon that exist and the most iconic Digimon of all, if you consider that he is a Adult Digimon, the most common type of Digimon, and also the most likely adult that you can got in the first Digital monster, he appears in every main game

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open for little fanart doodles for Ko-fi tips! feel free to request a pokemon, digimon, neopet, etc (no ocs but feel free to ask about commissions)

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Desenhei o Taichi hoje.
Fiquei no hype depois de ver o episódio do novo reboot de Digimon, da uma nostalgia enorme de ver os digiescolhidos crianças novamente, o reboot tem tudo para ser muito bom.

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Junto do reboot de Digimon, fiz o meu fav do primeiro Adventure, espero que gostem :D

Fav + Rt vai ajudar bastante na divulgação <3

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4- Inuyasha o Digimon, este ultimo en general mas que todo tamers y adventure.

De esta ultima década Overlord

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Si fueran tamers y tuvieran la oportunidad de elegir a su compañero digimon, ¿cuál sería? Yo a Renamon solo para tenerlas a ellas. ;n;

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In addition to both of their birthdays coinciding with Adventure:'s premiere date, Takeuchi's other well-known roles include Naruto from the eponymous series, and Metabee from Medarot, who was fused with Rokusho as the April Fools' Day Digimon, Omedamon.

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Jogress, also known as DNA Digivolution, means fusing two Digimon together to evolve them into another Digimon, usually of higher level. Jogress of the Digimon Adventure 02 group.

What is your opinion about the pairs and their digimon? Comment below!

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I draw furies, anime, cute stuff, video game fanart that includes digimon, pokemon, animal crossing, comics, movies, shows, honestly whatever I find neat.
You all should check out

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I wanna draw more Digimon, so here's me as one.

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I had this sketch sitting on my folder for over a year, I decided to slap some colors and shade because it was too cute to not share ;w;

Def one of my fav digimon, but may be a bit biased to say so! ;3c

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I miss role playing with you so much. Like, it was just so much fun to scream with you over our OCs, digimon, and the latest show we watched. I adore your art, it's been a treat to see so many of your OCs change over the years. You've been such a help with Maelstrom, thank you.

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Now when he started working on Digimon, he was Mito's assistant in the production of Lost Evolution

During that time discussions about Xros Wars started and then after LostEvo, they decided to create Super Xros Wars as an anime tie-in, and Habu was called in to be the producer

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Ayer salió, en , la forma campeón de Relier.

Como algunos estáis aun preguntándome más datos acerca de este digimon, os lo dejo a continuación:

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Hoy cumple años Eugenio Barona, Voz del Narrador, Gabumon y sus digievoluciones en Leomon en Gaomon y sus digievoluciones en entre otras muchas.
Alguien muy importante y esencial en la franquicia Digimon.

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I been rewatch Digimon 02 recently, but Leon is not Digimon, I repeat, he is not. >3>

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If Peri were a Digimon, she would be called Perimon and look a little something like this!

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