I made an evolution for Gammamon based on the silhouette from the start guide!

I wonder how different he will look from the official art 🤔

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I can't wait for so I was working on ideas for a double sided charm. Gammamon is super cute, can't wait to see if the supposed wings they have are part of that scarf thing.

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¿Habéis visto la silueta de la digievolución de Gammamon? 👀
Esta revelación se ha dado en la Guía de Iniciación oficial de Os contamos todos los detalles aquí abajo:


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I am excited for and loved design so much I had to do a quick fanart for him!

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Higher res new shadow! This is a Champion/Adult level (no name)

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It's been a LONG time I posted something. I've been busy working on Digital Tamers and other stuffs, but here's a little something I made.
and LCD sprites because they're cute as heck!

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We now have 4 lines of Rabbit Digimon! I love them so much lol.

Angoramon - October 2021
Lunamon - March 2007
Lopmon - July 2000
Bitmon - July 2000

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Voted in patreon... Mega CharizardMon Y!

Come one, guys, just for 1$ you can vote in my next artwork on patreon 😂

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¡Conoce a los nuevos Digimon!
Curimon, Gurimon, Gammamon, Pyonmon, Bosamon, Angoramon, Puyomon, Puyoyomon y Jellymon, todos con arte de Kenji Watanabe directos de
¡Ya en la Enciclopedia Digimon!

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Ya tenemos los perfiles de los protagonistas de junto a sus Baby:
En breves os traeremos los perfiles traducidos al español, ¡no os los perdáis! https://t.co/203KZ8V25r

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A Mollusk Digimon with a squishy head. Its whole body is flexible, and it can retract its body into its head.

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A Beast Digimon with a calm personality. It senses distant enemies approaching with its long ears, and avoids fighting them.

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A young Ceratopsian Digimon. It has two hard horns growing on its brow, and is capable of flying for a short period with the tiny wings on its back.

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