We still need a name for our game to replace our placeholder

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http://t.co/6oP7xfU2O1 Cyberion Wars Gamejam entry by SwarmHammer. If you love sci-fi shooters

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My compo entry is up! feel free to try and rate it :) http://t.co/UCLcRXtqnV

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title screen ready! and also, picture of a bug

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Quickly draft research for my LD31 title/menu game.. really need to sleep a bit

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Busy working on visual assets, but here's a quick sample of Usher Wants Breakfast!

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Just released the playable concept of the game I made on a train! http://t.co/UBvsipbupB

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Keep calm and steady not to upset the balance in our project

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Hey! We (kinda) finished our GameJam game Jumpjet Rex.

Go play it here: http://t.co/XUepJmbLws

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That was tricky to animate, and could be better, but deadlines are deadlines

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Some concept art from our piece. I'm doing 3D stuff for the first time too! Not overwhelmed at all ha ha

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my game :: Mother Machine :: explore this ancient organic construct http://t.co/melsUH4QFm

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Ok main code done, time for actual graphics and sound now !

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Three words: Mutton. Chop. Banker.

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In which you make an enemy so cool you think maybe you should make him a friendly NPC instead!?

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