У меня есть отето, ехех👉👈
Я очень люблю бинцю, но с рисованием явно пошло что-то не так <:3

6 25

Скетч с Шэнем (пока рисовала, поняла, что это мое состояние по жизни)

6 28

Chibi Shizun surprise!

Was doodling today instead of doing harder drawings. orz

1 12

Every day I thank fan artists and fic writers for existing- YOU are the ones getting me through post SVSSS depression (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞💞

Sketches for another thing I love to see- Shen Yuan getting to eat Luo Bingge's delicious food ☺️

15 68

There is no one to ensure that the cat does not sleep on the floor

625 2243

Poor shang qinghua.
Tsktskstk,luo binghe drank too much vinegar🧋🧋🧋(lol,wrong emot).

90 361

I finally sketched two of my fave versions of SQQ together 😭😭😭ft. The little Bunhes admiring their Shizuns

183 779

Time Travel Scenario Part II Ft. Bingmei~!
Poor Bunhe XD
SVSSS got spoiled for him haha~
I wanna do more stuff like this if I could aaaa

872 2530