“Go back where you from. What you doin’ is illegal,” the white man said. He had hidden Kufi from the evil slave recovery, but that was as far as his help would go.

He eyed a symbol scratched in the soft of a fallen tree, nodded thanks & continued north to freedom.

21 97

Squeezing 3 am chaos
into void
no more limbo
suffocating toxic questions
could have
would have
should have
I want to live in the moment !

18 51

Hidden inside our hearts are the ghosts of flowers we never planted,
their blooms haunting us with stories we can only touch in the dreams we cry through our tears

Art by

1 9

You smiled at the mouth of the cave of legend, ran your fingers along the smooth rock walls, colder and wetter the deeper you went.#Black became blacker, and just before you disappeared, you thought of turning back. Then you fell, and I think you know the rest.

49 112

The others whispered
Cast them as schizophrenic
Cursed twins of evil

9 23

We trespass the light
Wrapped in flames of dark promise
Dressed without regret


11 35

Most days she wondered if she was too difficult to please & blamed herself for every trouble.

On rare days, when someone made her feel human, she revelled in her desire for violet scented love, comfort tasting of warm milk, and dark, astringent, black tea conversation.

5 30

His breathing stopped, & there was an unmistakable dry rattle. The nurse looked me in the eye, checking his neck for a pulse, then shook her head sadly. I'd known this was coming, & thought I'd steeled myself against the tears. I was wrong. But maybe it was OK to cry now.

3 6