Sport Il salto del panino. uscito su Informatore

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Team work like a boss : dodging & shooting.
We are working intensively on the coop mode this day.

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pixivに投稿しました ドラゴンハンターCOOP

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e Disegno per L' Informatore,mensile rivista:…/0025435430de51bea78d5

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We now know that Social Links in Persona 5 are now known as Cooperations! The first 3 Coop NPCs have been revealed!

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. 's Damion has sprung a hell of a leak! Coop's shake strikes again.


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Looking forward to finish editing Thursday's episode. Finally did a Couple's Coop video again with !

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Sano come un pesce. Disegno per la pagina della salute de L'Informatore, mensile della n.4 di aprile.

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Disegno per la copertina dell'opuscolo e per il manifesto "Sulla in 8 mosse" a cura della

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"Flamingo" (2015) - SOLD
This bird is flying the coop.
Just a remind that my moving sale …

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I was practicing drawing some coop facial expressions and this was my favorite one so far <3

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Gambe sane. per la pagina della de L'Informatore, mensile della n.2 di febbraio:

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Join us Thursday 6.30pm for films w/ & Sheffield Film Coop

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Forgive me father for I have sinned.
This is why I shouldn't be aloud to draw...

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I love the relationships in this show. (especially coop and jamie)

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My Megas XLR Self Insert gaming with Coop!
I tried to make screen effects but I gave up for now haha... :|

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Sketches that I decided to colour (but I really should have redone the lines)

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Screencap Re-draw.
This style is fun but hard?? I always make coop too small.

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