❤️Joan Miró Works Auctioned by His Grandson to Benefit Refugees https://t.co/DGkzTUXs48

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Joan Miró Works Auctioned by His Grandson to Benefit Refugees https://t.co/wn0J9hBCiX

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Interactive from puts you in refugees shoes. What would you do? https://t.co/cXWcdgdCSl

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Maybe should focus on our educational standards instead!

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BLEDDFA CHURCH Fri 20 May 8pm CHRISTINE PARKER fundraising concert for Knighton & District Refugee Support Ticket £5

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the empty chairs of Syrian child refugees – in pictures https://t.co/s8vpeZMb8U now inc

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would snowball into a humanitarian catastrophe... egg on face situation

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Here's to living with a government who vote against accepting 3000 unaccompanied child refugees

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Drawings by me+the kids of for for unaccompanied child refugees https://t.co/Ko1Cz4yBCu

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Labor and Libs complicit in sweeping refugees under the carpet opinion Waleed Ali

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Labor and Libs complicit in sweeping refugees under the carpet opinion Waleed Ali

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