First up is the Super-Family:

(Clark, Lois, Jon, Krypto)

(Team book: Superman, Knightwing, Flamebird, Steel, Guardian, Mon-El, etc.)

(Kara and Brainiac 5)

1 9

And last in the family: Aurora. I didn't meant to keep her at first but i'd lie if i said i didn't fell in love with her. She's the one i enjoy the most drawing, behind Jade of course. Both her design and personality are so fun.

6 january 2020 > 11 january 2020 > 30 march 2020

0 3

My family: "So what kinda things are you drawing for those internet stream people?"
Me: "Well... you know... stuff..."

1 5

Name: Radobaan
Title: Bone Hammer Wyvern
Average Length: 1803.47cm
Average Height: 899.52cm
Foot Measurements: 194cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Theropoda
Infraorder: Hammer Wyvern
Family: Baan

Habitats: Rotten Vale, Guiding Lands

21 171

Name: Hornetaur (NW)
Average Length: 185.56cm
Average Height: ?
Foot Measurements: ?

Order: Shell Insect (殻虫目)
Suborder: Spine Insect (棘虫亜目)
Family: Hornetaur (カンタロス科)

Habitats: Rotten Vale

0 15

Name: Mosswine (NW)
Average Length: 212.44cm
Average Height: ?
Foot Measurements: ?

Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Mosswine

Habitats: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Rotten Vale

6 83

"Dear sister, I was hoping we could catch up

Full name: Whitley Schnee
Gender: Male
Age: 19 (Younger twin of Weiss)
Height: 5'6" (Taller then my "Older sister")
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: White and comb
Semblance: unknown Most likely glyph
Family: Willow, Weiss, And Winter.

53 93

Name: Lavasioth (NW)
Title: Lava Wyvern
Average Length: 1797.24cm
Average Height: 669.71cm
Foot Measurements: 229cm

Order: Piscine Wyvern
Suborder: Fish Feet Wyvern
Superfamily: Lava Wyvern
Family: Lavasioth

Habitats: Elder's Recess, Guiding Lands

15 147

Look at them... Just a big happy family:)

4 43

Name: Raphinos
Average Length: 425.9cm

Order: Wingdrake
Family: Wingdrake
Genus: Raphinos

Habitats: Coral Highlands, Guiding Lands

0 22

Name: Noios
Average Length: 525.03cm

Order: Wingdrake
Family: Wingdrake
Genus: Noios

Habitats: Wildspire Waste, Guiding Lands

0 21

Ode to Oda family: watercolour paper test gone wild

12 78

Back at it with the art with ghost and her family: and grieving for her

10 50

the last addition to the family: electric rat baby
(who immediately got his bad eye smashed in, u hate to see it 👁️)

1 2

Name: Tobi-Kadachi
Title: Flying Thunder Wyvern
Average Length: 1300.52cm
Average Height: 329.22cm
Foot Measurements: 134cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Four Legged
Superfamily: Dreadful Claw Wyvern
Family: Tobi-Kadachi

Habitats: Ancient Forest, Guiding Lands

44 243