My new background for my profile <3

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Luni x Raddというカップリングが頭から離れません😭

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Here a snack peek of Arianna’s heart mark changes to red when she lies and changes green when she tell the truth.

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Alright i have a story to tell:
So yesterday me and my sibster were playing around with the random ship mode on gachalife, and we came across a few ships that looked intresting, all of wich included me. And so, as a valentine special i decided to draw this peace of weirdness:

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My very first I did just for fun. It took me roughly an hour or so to do.

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u_u yes guys I did it,,,I created a baby in gachalife

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(Twitter version). Took me a lot of years of trying out styles, combining them, until somehow settled to a combo of old & new.

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Here’s a sneak peak of Arianna’s hair and eyes change color on her mood.

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gonna say something controversial... i like those flashgame doll makers more than

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