Been practicing drawing Arthur Morgan 🌵✨

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A quick comic of my recent experinces playing most of it is accidentally murdering random animals and people.

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As promised I’ll be counting the vertical series for RDR2! Not quite easy currently until we get the Rockstar Editor, but these will do for now. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠#RedDeadRedemption

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My finished piece for the show on Friday. This month’s theme is “Los Alebrijes”. Don’t know what that means??? Come to the show!
10x10”, &

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Can't believe this is actually the first thing I draw with Arthur pfff but that saloon scene thooo

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I've been cooking this up since Red Dead came out. Might do a few more illustrations based on the game since it's so good.

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Mein Arthur in seiner Mustache Phase (alt) und aktuell versucht er seinen Bart lang wachsen zu lassen. Braucht noch etwas, aber es wird! Den Hut verlier ich leider ständig

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Die Erste 3h vo sind nume Tutorial und wirsch mega ad Hand gno. Chunsh nur sehr langsam vorwärts hans sho fasht chli lw gfunde😶 hoffe es ändert sich no sobald d Open World erkunde dörfsch. Es het mer eifach zviel gelaber und cutscenes gha.🙄

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“Outlaw” - made this bad boy 2 years ago inspired by red dead - beyond excited to see the new story unfold

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A and commission for! My gaming life is limited to Animal Crossing so this was mega unique and fun to draw

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Ya no se ni para que si nadie da , ni las cuentas grandes o amigos 😒 de todas formas aquí la imagen filtrada del especial de con info de Ren

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Quick illustration to kill time as countdown comes closer to release for Red Dead Redemption 2

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Looking forward to ? Reviews out soon! Check out the gameplay teaser:
Pics from:

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