Double 632, 633 - Focalorang and Zodiac! A boomerang from the world of Darksiders, a demonic entity that snatches souls and returns them to War! What happens when Pyramid Head becomes a Nobody? His massive Knives are named after serial murderers!

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The 631 - Electhor! Pokemon Special with the Legendary Birds, the first up is Zapdos!

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The 629 - Topper! What happens when an idiot like me who takes Kingdom Hearts Nobodies, and turn Hat Girl from into a Nobody, so her weapon would become a dangerious spinning hat!

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The 626 - Jookiba Blaster! Its time for the weapon of everyone's favorite alien who will eat your left shoe, STITCH!

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Double 624, 625 - Bioldin Staff and Ursavian Mask! A staff used to conjure radioactive materials! And A mask used by a bear and bird warrior!

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The 623 - Lunatic Diviner! Legendary Saturday presents the claymore wielded by Siax, No VII of Organization XIII

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Double 621/622 - Undulate and Mask of Venous! Double Armory because life, the axe was inspired by someone I knew when I was a wee lad, the mask is a powerful one that increases your strength, but is grafted to your face!

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The 620 - Phoenix Bomb! Feeling the heat? WEAPONIZE IT! This grenade causes a giant flaming phoenix to sprout from the epicenter, and a heat wave to wave out!

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The 619 - Asimov! Continuing the Nobody versions of famous game characters, Mega Man gets his with this arm cannon! Now there is already a Mega Man X....

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The 618 - Cheshire Chakram! A smilin' grin going this way and that way, or maybe its there way and then way? Regardless, this chakram changes it coloration to anyone who sees it! Because the grin is different for those who seek it!

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The 617 - Celestial Haunt! A weapon fusion between myself and the AMAZING ! The galaxy wide smack down will leave chills down your spine!

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Individuals for the Orientation and Gender Armory fanart I did, they are the transgender, lesbian, and aromantic ones.

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The 616 - Book of Cloaked Retribution! Legendary Saturday brings you the next Organization XII weapon,No. VI Zexion!

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The 615 - Penance! A massive club-like sword, designed for Holy work only! Like turning demons into mush!

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The 614 - Dodgem Gauntlets! Massive gauntlets that give you the ability to have SUPER knockback! Just strap these bumper cars to your fists and start slamming people out of the ring!

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The 613 - Narcolepsy! You are getting VERY sleepy or not? This staff can control ones sleep patterns and keep everyone awake or permanently alseep!

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DOUBLE 611 - 612 - Velocity and Bongos of the Cosmos! Continuing the small series of Nobody weapons for other characters, Sonic (Xinocs?) bladed shoes named after speed terms! And time to beat down with the COSMOS!

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The 610 - Bennklin! the last of the Legendary Beast Pokemon Special featuring the electric blade inspired from Raikou!

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The 609 - Silent Skysplitter! Legendary Saturday brings you No. V Lexeaus the Silent Hero from Organization XIII!

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The 608 - Caduceus Suit! A medical tunic that can help heal yourself AND provides cover to others!

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