Just some dogs barking up a tree.

(Artist: kenket (2017): https://t.co/HnQ6hgPxlG)

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RSJ#215 "Barking Up The Wrong Tree" Shout out to Congratulations on the new book! https://t.co/ptYPPeGiSL

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. Well THAT stopped him from barking.

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Good luck to all Y6 children & staff across the country embarking on SATs this morning. Positive mental attitude - you got this!

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Woo! Barking cause I t's Friday! Are you joining us for FREE outdoor Movie Night - Big Hero 6? Click the link in o… https://t.co/U0NswpRmBR

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本日川崎CLUB CITTAに来てくれた皆さん、関係者の皆さんありがとうございました。また大きな目標が出来ました。
明日は下北沢ReGでA BARKING DOG NEVER BITES企画【DOG RUN 2017】に出演します!宜しくお願いします!!

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I'm back home, have seen a lot of little barking dogs and managed to get a sunburn in just 5 hours. Sleep time now.

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The Barking Dead

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Link's embarking on a dark journey through the Twilight Realm in The Legend of Twilight Princess! https://t.co/u9Hk4ORPKw

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Somthing i did last night for Erfson

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These two are embarking on a grand adventure in search of rainclouds and bugs!

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Feel Good Friday is here! Join us at the Rivergate Centre this afternoon!

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It's over at Barking Riverside! Join , , & friends for a pm of food and fun!

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What to learn how to keep up those Join us on Friday at The Rivergate Centre for

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1 week til here at A fun fitness and wellness event in collaboration with

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I got my dog to stop barking by shouting "AND PEGGY!"

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