byleth: hi


307 1113


ェさんはTwitterを使っています: 夜ドレスなマシュかわいいな!WoOF

0 0

5. Byleth: D1. it only has one face

1 6

Anime: fileth-fileth: 泉彩 火曜日西 “A “63aさんはTwitterを使っています: あくあちゃん😇

1 2

悪魔バイレスに憑かれた伯爵は、妹への欲望を抑えられるのか・・・知られざるユーロトラッシュ『Byleth: The Demon Of Incest』Blu-ray入荷!

4 18

Hey there, sailor 🎶 Come check out this Etsy shop, it's definitely not full of magical shit like fairies, florals, and mermaids with sharp teeth: 😘

2 8

Gwyneth: I'm really happy he convinced me to do that firts Iron Man movie...

27 74

Anime: fileth-fileth: キチロク@4日目 南ア-31aさんはTwitterを使っています:...

0 1

Got this beautiful commision from
Thanks again Pix! I really love this! :TEETH:

5 25

byleth: oppsie we got trapped in the void :(

0 1

Dorothea/Byleth: Forget 10s should be with 10s, YOU deserve to be with a 10 and you're fucking VALID

123 411

Seteth/Byleth: You were all right/indifferent to Seteth until [SPOILERS] you learned that he was a dad, and then you immediately decided you were going to wife him.

96 325

Leonie/Byleth: You resonate with the Tumblr post that's "Once I had a crush on a girl and I didn't know what to do with it so I told her to get out of my school."

64 269

Sylvleth: You had a crush on Flynn Rider from Tangled.

62 286

Claudeleth: You know in your heart of hearts that Claude von Riegan is a bi legend and should have had the chance to express that, and you're right.

253 640

Dimileth: You just really want to wrap Dimitri in a nice, hot blanket and give him a hot meal.

218 483

Edeleth: You took one look at Edelgard in the trailer, went "I'm gay" and immediately decided to marry her.

351 797

Llun o lyfr gair a llun dwi wrthi'n gorffen, Y Ddinas Uchel. Mas cyn Dolig gobeithio! Dyma'r Un Doeth:

1 15


沙さんはTwitterを使っています: しぐれWoOF

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