In honor of Etika, I have constructed this drawing.

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I'll never forget the big shout out you did for me and my bois when we were in Japan during the big ass smash reveal, it made that much for memorable and I know I'll never forget it. Thanks for all the good times, we miss you man.

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Petition to make Nintendo add Etika as a pokemon trainer in Sword and Shield

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I'll admit, I wasn't the hugest fan of Etika. But, I did watch his stream reactions from time from time. And what what I saw, he was a very cool and funny guy. Hearing about his death was heartbreaking since he was an influence to many.

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“Take care of yourselves, and of course, as usual, please have yourself a damn good one.”

To Desmond “Etika” Amofah. Thank you for all the hype and laughs over the years. Rest in peace.

14 41

En honor a hice este rápido dibujo.

Si tienen problemas emocionales no los enfrenten solos,y no recurran al suicidio,se pueden morir

5 26

So sad we have to tell you goodbye this soon Desmond, I won't be able to watch a Nintendo Direct the same as I did now that you're gone. Rest well.

5 11

With Etika in mind; Never take people acting out of character for granted. If you see a strange tweet, video, stream, etc where someone seems to be struggling, reach out to them. You never know how much of a difference it can make. A "hey" now can prevent a "rip" later. Be kind.

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There will never be anyone quite like you. Your contagious personality brought joy to so many of us. We'll never forget you Etika

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Although I never meet him, Etika has brought many moments of joy and happiness into my life and hell, I even donated to him once, this whole thing has been bothering me all today, Rest In Peace, Desmond

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Rest easy now, Etika.

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Goodnight! This hole Etika thing hit me hard, I can't express the love of had for him. I can't believe his actually gone. He was the best! Please, Take care of yourselves. If you need an friend I'm here or everyone else is too! Please, Have an great night. Rest well Etika.

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I remember when I created this character back in Feb 2018, and I showed it to Etika, he really loved the artwork, which was one of my inspirations to keep drawing what I love. This artwork is in tribute. May he rest in peace

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Etika wherever you are... rest easy. JOYCONBOYZ FOREVER!

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i won't ever forget you Etika thank you for making me laugh when i was at my lowest Rest in peace

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