some oldish mousefur pics for 's i didn't really have time to make something new for her but i still really like these!!

17 74

every1 fav lesbian,, mousefur
my dad is fixing smth in my room so i cant use my pc excuse me for the quality i havent drawn w my tablet in 67 years

11 53

Mousefur, Thunderclans unofficial Grandmeow and one of my favorite OG Warriors for

19 85

Mousefur for Who couldn’t love her honestly ⁦

15 68

i mean how can you dislike mousefur

4 30

Rowanclaw/Rowanstar, a previous Tawnypelt's valid husband!

18 60

super simple mousefur for !! I loved her spunk and friendship with longtail and purdy💖🐀

7 41

Since it’s the last day of pride month, I thought I’d draw all of the pride kitties selected for during June. We have lesbian Mothwing, gay Barley, bi Jake, trans Rowanclaw and ace Mousefur. Hope you all had a great pride month!

29 70

mousefur for

i miss sassy ace grandma...

19 88


I always liked Mousefur in the books and decided to turn one of my warm up sketches into her. She's a mean lady with some sass but I loved how she took care of Longtail- interesting character!

59 305

So I haven't done for a bit . But then I saw it was RowanClaw week. So I wanted to share my design for him in my au. (Its the only one I have for him)

1 12

I know this is a day late but my recovery pain has been prohibiting me from focusing on any one thing for more than five minutes ;;
After seeing the was Rowanstar, trans icon of the WC community, I simply had to draw him after this week’s events.

4 31