Original!Xue Yang vs. Modern!Xue Yang 🔥

Translated with the artist's permission. Please do not repost. Support the artist here: : https://t.co/BY5UqXx9PW
Large size image: https://t.co/DxgWvFJcdN

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薛🐏 薛成美现代paro-小混混、情报商(临也的影子😂)常在漫画店免费看漫画。唯一知道瑶妹是间谍的人
XueYang,XueChengMei modern AU. Gangster,Information Vendor(sounds like Orihara Izaya😂)likes to go to manga shop and read free manga. The only person who knows MengYao is Spy.

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Yang Yanggg~~ 😘
He's so cute when he said that.😍
I just found out theres more to listen to today.

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Wwwww Wei Ying no.1 fan ❤
Halp// I keep adding more character to my sticker set,how am I gonna finish it. Hope you like this 😅

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Sometimes you just wish that you were truly blind

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«Candy ? For me ..?»
«Why do you care?Whether I eat or not,it doesnt concern you.»
Honestly,this part of the story literally broke my heart.
I had the good idea to listen episode2 at 5am.
Rslt: i woke up with both eyes swollen like🎾.

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xy And xxc...I looked up the characters for their names n died so here’s a comic....

Xiaoxingchen (晓星尘) 星- star
Xueyang (薛洋)洋-ocean

And Xueyang’s courtesy name is 成美, which means to “become beautiful”

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Thank you for all the follows, RTs, replies and likes! LOVE YOU!!😘😘😘
XXC peeled a heart shape on an apple for you.🍎💕

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ik they aren't related but i like to think of them as siblings ;; 🌙

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