Baru nge-post lagi, setelah sekian lama ga post gambar, giliran post, ikut lomba, hahaha.
Ga bosen-bosen ikut lomba good day, duh bakal seneng bgt kalo bisa menang terus gambar di pajang di botolnyaaaa. Huhu. Wish me luck. Semoga bisa menang.

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💕First of all, great thanks for participation in this YCH! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Vaminos, RainSoar, Dustchu, IntoxEtiquette, Candybar, Kilian, Rainbow99

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Stylists are handy.

She still dresses up for work at her father’s bar, but it’s not the same.

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hay aku shii,,, suka gambar,,,, dah

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panggil saya Den
suka gambar, nulis novel (masih amatiran), bikin short video ini novel hasil animasi saya
saya lahir di tahun 2003
(saya belum bisa komisi logo ini tugas)

3 5

I truly adored Phos as an MC, but this isnt to say he's the only good character HnK has

Characters like Cairngorm, Cinnabar, Aechmea, and Adamant are other amazing standouts. The cast HnK holds is nothing short of incredible

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I was just toying with some pastel brushes when I remembered one strange superhero team - The Super Globetrotters! Louis Dunbar, AKA Gizmo Man, could pull any imaginable object out of his super afro!

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in 1402 Archibald, 4th earl of Douglas spent 'a sad and bloody hour' & lost an eye fighting the Battle of Homildon Hill against Sir Henry 'Hotspur' Percy & the Scottish exile George Dunbar, earl of March. Here's an old blog post examining the battle:

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Halo kak, ini my recent artwork yang aku kerjain di hp pake jari. pengen banget punya wacom buta ngeimprove skill gambar, emang yang namanya karya bagus itu ga memandang alat yang dibutuhkan. Namun, semakin bagus alat yang diapaki maka semakin mudah untuk menghasilkan karya 😭

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*stares at u across the bar, but like, gayly*

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OC Redesign! Roza's sister! Georgia loves the bar, but since she gets knocked up almost as often as possible, drinking isn't an option for her. Instead, she got really good at pool and chugging root beers. She must have a really good babysitter or something...

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Now i'm drinking in a bar, I think I am drunk, but someone helped me to post this

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Day 8: whats in their bag

crushed chocolate bar, headphones (lets not talk about how he wears them) comb, wallet and his bfs wallet he forgot at his place, notebook, gum, travel drink (soda)

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Beberapa waktu ini aku bersyukur karna cupa kini buming lagi, dan banyak temen2 yg butuh bikinin logo, walaupun saya cuma bisa gambar, yaudah aku bikinin, semoga bermanfaat untuk temen2 semua 🙏😆

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Negroni in the sunshine! Join us tonight for cocktails and check out our current exhibition ‘STOLEN FACES’ by EMILIA MARTIN.

ART BAR OPEN EVERY FRIDAY 6-11pm! We have a fully stocked bar, happy hour 6pm - beer/cider for £3, glass of house wine for £3.50 and 2 for £10 cocktails!

3 5

Perfil votante de Vox:
-Su máxima preocupación es Catalunya.
--No quiere pagar impuestos
- Joven sin estudios, obrero precario, fanático del fútbol y de barra de bar, misógin@, xenofob@, católico.
También militares, policías
-Escasa capacidad cognitiva

288 545

Permisi, numpang juga yaaa, aku ada jasa gambar, mulai dari 120rb sampe 300rb an :) dari style chibi sampe realis. Apabila tertarik bisa DM twitter atau lihat gambar lainku di di instagram. Tha kss 😁

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When you need to serve chicken wings at your bar, but you're out of chicken...

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Y aquí el resto de las personalidades (Las principales en esta etapa de su vida) Conocerá a varias más en el bar, agradables o desagradables, eso da igual, porque al fin y al cabo serán parte de él.

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Ooo lupa masukin gambar, cuma ada contoh dr webcomic rn huhu

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