画質 高画質

refiz minha parte da trade com pq n gostei do resultado e achei injusto já q a parte dela tava ma ra vi lho sa

esse é depois <<<

esse é o antes >>>

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3, 2021: Injustice

Oliver sendo Oliver

Tão perfeitos eles dois em Injustice

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3rd 2021: Injustice

Dinahollie’s first meeting to their wedding 🐤🏹

Injustice Gods Among Us: Year two // Injustice 2 &

Inks: ,
Colours: J. Nanjan (panel 1) (Panels 2-4)

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glopo teachers asking us why there's injustice in the world at 9am

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also i liked the colors i used to shade her but they did her palette injustice... shes sherbert ice cream miku........

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Juliette é Chikorita

No início, parecia carente, grudenta e querendo roubar o protagonismo. Passou um tempo, vimos que é uma fofa injustiçada.

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La condena de es una muestra más de lo injusta que es la "justicia" de este país.

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Que injusticia y que indignante que el silencio de una institución como la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, le quite de esta manera sus sueños a una mujer que pudo haber sido una gran médico 😡😡😡

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I do a ton of D&D characters (for commissions) but here's the party I'm DMing for (one I haven't drawn yet)...basically they're a bunch of socially awkward weirdos saving the world from injustice. 😅

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Claramente no me iba a olvidar del buen InjustiΦ ( ), con su versión waifu que es una sucubo y como tal quería ser más reveladora... le llegará bonk después no se preocupen.

Basado en el diseño de Kurotao ()

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To delay justice is injustice.

Good morning

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Hi, love the trio of assassins we have in Mortal Kombat, would love to see DC's very own assassin trio in Injustice 3 ❤️🙏
art credit: ,

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some fanart of because she's my favorite character in the with lyrics.

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Crowley e tengu gostoso (não pensei num nome)

Também tem a Anelise e a Giovanna (desenho mto velho), mas elas são extremamente injustiçadas, então só conto como antagonistas

E sim todos com cara de bunda

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Lots of your comics live in my head rent free. Especially Injustice 2

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many have no choice but these vulnerable women working , those born 60 plus yr olds are apparently vulnerable in ... but in , , is their work until receipt of state pension

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cheshire (jade nguyen) for injustice 3 please ❤️

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