Raphtaila / The Rising of the Shield Hero

Padoru Version is here!
(you can't find this on Google lmao)

Please visit my pages, i am sad ( >~<)/
Facebook: https://t.co/wIBJ3PuAzW
Pixiv: https://t.co/GCAu2iBbQK

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Attempted Filo >3< I wish I understood clothes !! More practice I guess xD

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Raphtalia & Naofumi from anime The Rising of the Shield Hero
One of my favorite anime series

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🐤🌷Animated version of my The rising of shield hero Filo fanart! 🌼🥀Made by 🌺

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2期・3期の放送が決定したアニメ「盾の勇者の成り上がり」の物語を追体験できるRPG『盾の勇者の成り上がり Relive The Animation』が本日発売! Steamにて、1週間のローンチセール15%OFFが実施中なので、この機会にぜひ!   https://t.co/qoSvCqVhf6

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Raphtaila / The Rising of the Shield Hero

The Tanuki-girl is here

133 758

WIP - Raphtaila / The Rising of the Shield Hero

Backgrounds, after a break I will start render her

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WIP - Raphtaila / The Rising of the Shield Hero

Flat colors, later the backgrounds

Traducir Tweet

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September Patreon Pinup 1/2! Lingerie and nude versions available for patrons ♡

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ShieldHero Manga Vol.14 colorspread – 2019/9/21

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2期・3期の放送が決定したアニメ「盾の勇者の成り上がり」の物語を追体験できるRPG『盾の勇者の成り上がり Relive The Animation』が2019年9月24日に発売! Steam版には購入特典として、ツクールシリーズで使用できるBGM素材も同梱!   https://t.co/qoSvCrcSDG

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ラフタリア 2話のちょい後くらいのイメージ  

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