☂ Very pleasing 360-degree views on this spectacles designer's site ~ http://t.co/3RsyQeh0pF

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Pdt le ns verrons les répétitions de Ciboulette
Découvrez ce spectacle:

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Beau spectacle en perspective, mais n'oubliez pas de protéger vos yeux ! http://t.co/VtHTKXGrdx

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Le spectacle Naruto débute cette semaine au Japon ça va cogner !
>> https://t.co/G5BrTfF95p

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A Sketch a Day- Day 64 Spectacles

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Should be a real spectacle we're hoping it will be an annual event!

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DozoDomo vous offre 6 invitations pour le spectacle de K.Kobayasahi à la MCJP ! http://t.co/gOlXcdTexa

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& the Spectacled Bear in "If You Were a Panda Bear" are both from S. America. A fun fact in my book.

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メガネ合同誌『Spectacle Lovers』、当日のめじるしはこちらのポスター!チラッ

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ラブライブ!眼鏡合同誌“Spectacle Lovers”を、3日目西れ-01aにて頒布します。会場限定で不織布トートと眼鏡拭きが付きます!豪華イラストレーター陣で贈るメガネ好き必携の1冊、ぜひお見逃しなく…!

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My new respectacles! Amazing I can actually see the road now when I drive 😊

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On 'Spectacle of Entry' - Andrew Cross takes us on journey down Mersey Tunnel ending in 8 mile long Cascade Tunnel

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The spectacle of awesome natural power transfixes the senses... part 2

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Tonight Im off to see the spectacle of that I did the poster for. Gonna be a goodun!

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New artwork for sale! - "Early Morning Spectacle" - http://t.co/3fmcGeKEoo

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We look forward to NYT's 2015 piece on the 15th century monk spectacles trend.

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New artwork for sale! - "Early Morning Spectacle" - http://t.co/5o5Y8RhAsG

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New artwork for sale! - "Early Morning Spectacle" - http://t.co/5o5Y8RhAsG

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