Gift for the talented 💖 for the exhange!

Dear I hope you like it, I did Natsunao to try something new (and romantic) 😭💝


52 88

>RT みすみのまねっこで描き初め〜 推し集めチカラ尽きました まず推しを1人ずつ(?)選ぶところから苦戦した_(┐「ε:)_1番描きやすかったのはやっぱりSUNAOさんでした ガサ塗りだけどポーイ

1 0

5월 렌&마사토 샘플 크롭샷입니다!
일러스트는 스나오님(@ sunao_pudding )이 그려주셨습니다!
날짜부분엔 각달마다 캐릭터 생일이 표기되어있습니다 :D

5 6


0 0


4 3

Natsunao for
Day 2: How did they overcome their greatest challenge?

3 6

何か本当に嬉しくて メチャクチャ泣いた 泣けた ずっとずっと待ってて 想いは届いたって瞬間だったSUNAOさん最高でした(*^^*)

0 0

今日は、メルシエール( )の皆が カントリーフェスタ(ビッグルーフ滝沢)で、
来週は、ひつじがりや()&木羊日A氏()が イワテひつじ展(滝沢市巣子 結の蔵 2F)です。


10 27

you got that james dean day dream look in your eye

19 15

leaked image of nao after he finds out what natsuya's been up to this whole time

82 158

i was gonna post feelsy lyrics with this but in the end decided to just name it

Sunaosa's gay crisis

(thanks for the soft Sunaosa feels )

18 28

Hey so I haven't been able to stop thinking about 's natsunao vamps when she posted those previews

38 78

오늘 프랑스 안시에서 트레일러 공개합니다. 6월 23일 예정.
We opens BIAF Trailer at Annecy. Today. A few images on Trailer recalls [In This Corner of the World] by Katabuchi Sunao.

21 60

BIAF2018 Trailer will be ready very soon, By Sunao Katabuchi.

55 103

today TL's seriously got me in a natsunao mood so here we are

159 292

Some older natsunao practice

33 83

"Upon This Planet " 『この星の上に』

Executive Animator: Koji Nanke
Director: Sunao Katabuchi

18 77

【開催中】花束のような可愛すぎるソフトクリーム!表参道に”SUNAO”のショップがオープン | RETRIP[リトリップ]

22 189