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Amaryllis Belladonna

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Serdecznie zapraszamy na 10 profesjonalnych miedzynarodowych artystów, w Hotelu Leopolis przy ul. Juliusza Lea 253A, w Krakowie o godzinie 17:30-19:00, w Piatek 14 wrzesnia. Organizatorem rezydencji artystycznej jest

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These were drawn and painted over old sketches 👌

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Been doing a lot of commissions lately, so I haven't had any time for personal art, but here's Amaryllis, Dynex, and Rascal! Old characters of mine that I haven't really given attention lately 💔💔

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エピソード3 : 闇の紳士録 ~ 死刑執行 by Revo/Aramary&Hawk Spencer on リヴァイアサン / 終末を告げし獣

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Human versions of the sweet and stupid lesbians Amaryllis and Xamira 💕💖

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This is a logo idea for a comic concept I have. The main character’s name is Amaryllis(thus why the logo has that flower). Aside from a bit of concept art, nothing has been created for it yet, but I still hope to start this comic some day.

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🐦Bird Cherry Tree | Rainier Cherries | Red Amaryllis 🐦



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