Angel descends from a cloud in a manuscript, England, circa 1260, via .

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New manuscript on Flickr! This Book of Hours was completed by followers of Loyset Liédet ca. …

7 11

If your manuscript has been in review/in press for >1000 days, you could have gestated a galactic coelacanth!

3 10

Don McLean will sell his manuscript for American Pie at - all will be revealed!

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Titivillus, the "patron demon of scribes," provides an easy excuse for the errors in manuscripts when they are copied

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St. Gregory Palamas, Ibn al-'Arabi

31 10

1672 Salzburg manuscript; Speculum Muscio-Mortuale by baroque composer Abraham Megerle.

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Detailed looks at Year 4s illuminated manuscripts...

1 1

Titivillus, the "patron demon of scribes," provides an easy excuse for the errors in manuscripts when they are copied

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This Week in Medieval Manuscript Images

35 23

Manuscript on Symbols and Signs

6 13

Submitting the manuscript to today! Celebrate w/ our 2014 FCBD issue

3 4

Manuscript: Ocean of Life

17 15

Manuscript on Poetry

21 10

Enjoy the original manuscripts from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein*

Illustration of the 1831 edition, T. M. Von Holst*

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A Dr Seussian bird from the Drake Manuscript at , c. 1586. Digitized here:

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A detail from "The Vessels of Hermes," an amazing alchemical manuscript of circa 1700.

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I finish it!The ghost series PART2!I still have many manuscript...

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