“Layered Series : The Collections
Fauzan Abusalam|

Market: hic et nunc
Editions: 19
Price: 0.95 XTZ

Collect at:https://t.co/cK4GtOrAlx
More from the artist:

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just added some 12x12 pixel images to the https://t.co/UYomwJpEOr collection list that I made when I caught a cold last night because it would be a shame if the images were removed from my storage.

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Smoke !!!
Smoking is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use. And sometime smoker ignore his/her own health.

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Potatoz-Mutant Project. Its our new project we have Amazing Collectibles art. Lets join our gang at https://t.co/vVAmcc139U

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Hi there! My name is Ninda from Indonesia 🇮🇩
I draw about my feelings and random stuffs that appeared on my head.
Find my art on https://t.co/BaroTiD7oj

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Rivaldo Pramana |

Market: hic et nunc
Editions: 15
Price: 0.2 XTZ

Collect at:
https://t.co/A0BeKpdiMc , https://t.co/OmMUEenb4h , https://t.co/SOH9FFuWEO ,
More from the artist:

3 10