Reverse AU
Human Nines & Android Gavin (Ultra-light model)

1114 3413

“You died."
“And I would gladly do it again if it meant keeping you safe."

Defragging Ultraviolet
(If you’re looking for slow burn case fic that reads like an action movie script, you’re in luck)

72 264

Even the toughest hearts get hurt

814 2778

продолжаю тему кроссовера с короткометражкой In a Heartbeat ♥

26 140

- Coffee, dipshit? Awww you can't drink it? That's too bad.
- ...Gavin.
- Keep whining baby. Don't stop. Your stress level is music for my ears.

Nines' been a bad boy last night 😌

612 2390

I wanted to draw RK900 in a trench coat so I did!

10 76